I can’t see any videos. Where are they?

If you don’t see your videos, please use the following troubleshooting tips:

1. Refresh your page.
2. Try a different browser (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, etc.)
3. Wait a few seconds. Depending on the speed of your internet connection it may take a few extra seconds for the videos to appear. You will first see text, and then the videos should appear a few moments later.
4. Always be sure that you are using the latest version of your internet browser. Those new updates really do fix bugs!

My video stopped playing part way through! Help!

1. Refresh your page.
2. Try a different browser (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, etc.)
3. Check your internet speed by finding another random online video in vimeo or youtube to see if your personal internet is slow or being throttled.
4. Always be sure that you are using the latest version of your internet browser. Those new updates really do fix bugs!

Tried all the trouble shooting tips and still no luck? CONTACT me and we’ll see what else we can do!