Module 1


“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.”-Benjamin Franklin

A large portion of personal confidence in photography comes from the simple principle of preparation.

  • How much detailed preparation do you put into a photography session before it happens?
  • Are you winging it, or showing up with a clearly defined vision and plan of execution?
  • Do things usually go as planned when working with other people?

    Even if things don’t go according to plan…which hey, totally happens more often than we’d like…If you are prepared, you’re also prepared to be flexible!

    It’s so much easier to think of alternatives, new ideas, and solutions when you’ve already conditioned yourself to think things through.

    Preparation is simply a creative training ground.

    So when the weather starts to rain or the wind starts to blow, or the kids decide that they don’t want to follow directions or one of your locations falls through…you’ve already trained yourself to think things through and come up with a plan. It’s much easier to do it all over again if the situation calls for it!

    And you know those beautiful moments when things really do go as planned? The success of those moments will come from your preparation.

    In this weeks lessons below we will discuss exactly how to:

  • Prepare for a Session
  • Create a vision for your shoot
  • Maximize your location
  • Use posing guides and inspiration books
  • Find your style
  • This content is only available to paid members of Advanced Pro: The Power of You. You may Login or purchase the course.