Module 2

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They say there is always two sides to a story…

Do you show that in your photos? Most of us tend to focus on the obvious. We shoot from our own perspective. How we see things or the allure of the main attraction happening before us. Some of the most exciting photos come when we expand our view.

We’ll discuss two main ways to tell a more interesting story this week.

1. Less is More

We have heard this catch phrase hundreds of times in our life, but its validity is still potent.

How can you be extremely selective in what you choose to frame? What is too much and what is not enough?

2. Perspective

Ah. Perspective. How I love perspective! If there is one thing that photographers the world over could do to dramatically improve their photos, it would be this.


Your images are about to get a lot more intriguing. Let’s discover how to use these principles to tell a captivating story in the videos below:

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